Save Time, Eat Well: The Benefits of Prepping Freezer Meals

What are Freezer Meals

Freezer meals, also known as make-ahead or prep-ahead meals,  are meals that can be prepared in advance and stored in the freezer for later use. They are designed to save time and make meal preparation easier, especially for busy individuals or families who may not have the time or energy to cook a fresh meal every day.

Think homemade frozen dinners,  except you are cooking them freshly on the night you serve them! 

Benefits of Freezer Meals


By preparing meals in advance, you can save time and effort on busy weeknight or when you’re short on time.  You can literally just toss the prepped ahead ingredients into a pan on the stove, into a baking dish, or crockpot.


Use your time efficiently by consolidating your prep time for multiple meals.  Set aside time for one prep session and prep and freeze 3-10  meals!  


Buying ingredients in bulk and preparing meals in advance can help you save money on groceries and reduce food waste.


Make-ahead meals can be packed with nutritious ingredients, making it easier to have healthy, balanced meals on hand.


With meals already prepared, you can enjoy more free time and reduce stress around mealtime.

How to make Freezer Meals

Write a section here about the best ways to organize, while bringing attention to how to use your app to accomplish it.

  • Select a date for your prep session
  • Easily select recipes for your prep session,  including your own recipes and the make-ahead recipes provided by The Dinner Solution.
  • Print a grocery list for the ingredients that you will need for your prep session, or view the grocery list on your phone for easy access while grocery shopping!
  • Print labels for your freezer meals, with meal name, expiration date, and cooking instructions!  
  • Print a Freezer Inventory list that you can post on your freezer and see at a glance which meals you have ready to go!   
  • Select from your Freezer Inventory when planning your meals on The Dinner Solution calendar, so you can include your freezer meals in your weekly meal plan!

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